origin at medial canthal tendon and corrugator supercilius muscle
palpebral (pretarsal & preseptal)
reflex blink and involuntary
pretarsal origin at post lacrimal crest (most important to keep lid apposed to globe to let punctum lie in tear lake ) & ant limb of med canthal tendon; deep head of pretarsal m. (Horner’s tensor tarsi) encircles canaliculi to facilitate tear drainage
upper & lower segments of pretarsal orb m. fuse to become lateral canthal tendon
pretarsal muscle firmly adherent
pretarsal muscle of Riolan = gray line = superficial orbicularis
extension of periosteum
in non-Asians, upper lid septum fuses w/levator aponeurosis. 2-5 mm above sup tarsal border; in lower lid it fuses w/capsulopalpebral fascia at or just below inf tarsal border
passes medially in front of trochlea
barrier to hemorrhage and infection between lid and orbit
orb fat can herniate through septum into lids causing bags
central orb fat pad lies behind septum, in front of levator aponeurosis.
dense connective tissue, attach med & lat to periosteum
1 x 29 x 11 mm upper lids, 4 mm vertical height in lower lids
meibomian glands are modified holocrine glands
in upper lid marginal arcade lies 2 mm sup to lid margin, ant to tarsus
peripheral art arcade is sup to tarsus, between levator aponeurosis, Muller’s